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"Love Your Neighbor As Yourself."
Matthew 22:39 (NIV)
Directions: Select The
Correct Answer. When Completed, Click On The Submit Button At The Bottom Of
The Page.
Multiple Choice:
1. Which is NOT one of the "Three Uses Of The Law"?
2. To whom did God give the Commandments on Mt. Horeb?
3. According to Luther, the "Two Main Teachings" of the
Bible are...
4. Why were The Ten Commandments written on Two Stone
5. The most important reason we keep the Ten Commandments
is because...
6.The primary focus of the First Commandment is to worship
God every Sabbath.
7. One way we obey the Second Commandment is to pray to
God regularly.
8. The Third Commandment reminds us that we have only one
9. The Fourth Commandment reminds us to respect and obey
all authorities
including parents.
10. Being angry with someone, for other than a holy
reason, is a sin against the
Fifth Commandment.
11. The word "adultery" means to "make something dirty" or
"pervert the intended
use of something."
12. One's reputation is protected by the Ninth
13. "Coveting" means "to have an unholy desire for
something or someone."
14. A "catechism" is a book of questions and answers.
15. All Christians number the Ten Commandments the same
16. In Matthew 22:37-39, Jesus said the Ten Commandments
can be summarized by
the word "love."
17. The Ten Commandments were written on the hearts of
Adam and Eve.
18. Because they are Christians, it is easier for
Christians to obey the
Ten Commandments.
19. According to James, if we break even one part of any
commandment, we break
all Ten Commandments.
20. God can forgive us for breaking any of the Ten
Commandments because of His
love for us in Jesus Christ.